The 7 Best Carbs for Fuel

There once were three bears that lived in the woods. They loved porridge — a complex carb — but apparently weren’t very good at making it. 

How does this story end? In tragedy, with two bowls of porridge gone to waste and Goldilocks running for her life on an assumedly over-full stomach. Terrible. With a little foresight this crisis could have easily been averted, which is exactly why we’re here.

Solid Ground: 7 Running Myths, and the Truth Behind Them

We’ve all heard it. Well-meaning but ultimately misguided advice on how you really should be running. The actual correct footfall pattern, real training hacks, or my personal favorite — how running really isn’t healthy for you (usually from a cheerfully confident relative, mid-holiday party).

So what’s real, and what do we leave behind as we forge ahead in training?

Race Director Corner - Volume 5, Issue 1

2020 has certainly been one for the history books.  What have you done with your time.  Have you been like so many who are just sitting around waiting for things to get better, or have you been taking the time to prepare for the future.  At Athlete Guild, we have been working hard on preparing for what's next.  We have been amazed at the total lack of leadership and activity from our competitors.  They seem to be just riding it out and taking and wait and see attitude.  That's not the way that Athlete Guild does business though.  We have been at th

Baring Your Sole: The Benefits of Barefoot Running

Recent years have seen a surge in runners shunning fancy shoes in favor of running barefoot. While that may seem hazardous, especially in harsher climes, some experts believe that barefoot jogging may have advantages.

Social Distancing and the Avid Runner: 5 Common Sense COVID-19 Tips

Across the nation, state and local governments are issuing “Shelter in Place” or “Safer at Home” decrees in an effort to flatten the curve of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infections. At the time of this writing, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has not issued such a mandate, but many Texas cities have expressed their own orders. Likewise, hundreds of thousands of mindful Texans have entered “self-quarantine” to help quash the spread of COVID-19.

Runs in the Family

Welcome to 2020! As I spent this past holiday season surrounded by relatives of every stripe, it got me thinking about how families can enjoy fitness together. Let’s kick the new year off right by examining just a few ways families can stay active, healthy and have fun while doing so.

1. Explore the Neighborhood

7 Safety Tips for Women Runners

The world can be a dangerous place, especially for women. A recent poll conducted by Runner’s World Magazine showed that a whopping 84 percent of the women interviewed experienced harassment while out on their daily run. Incidents ranged from cat calls and horn honking to physical groping, foul language, threats, and even pursuit. These numbers, while sickening, are not surprising.

What Can Be Done?

Race Director Corner - Volume 1, Issue 4

Managing your data properly is one of the most important things you can do as a race director.  The data is not only important to you but is also required for the timer, photographer, and possibly the medical staff.  The question is how do you handle that data?

Race Director Corner - Volume 1, Issue 3

As professional road race timers, we have seen a lot of things at road races.  Some are inspiring; some hilarious; and some simply defy logic.  We’ve been timing races since 2000 and over that time have been involved with several thousand events.

Why We Run

As runners, a common reason why we run is simple: running is excellent for your health. But just as each of us — the weekend warriors, the professional athletes, and everyone in between — are unique individuals, we all have unique motivations.