Saturday, September 29, 20188:00 am CDT
801 Coy St
Poth, Texas 78114

We are going to move the date of our meet because of the dates for regionals and our district meet.  This year the 15th Annual Poth ISD High School and Jr. High Cross Country will be held on September 29th.

The course will be approximately 3 miles for high school boys and 2 miles for all other divisions.  The entry fee will be $75 per High School team, $50 per Jr. High team and $5 for individual runners.  Please make checks payable to Poth Athletic Booster Club.  Each team must consist of a minimum of 5 runners.  The top fifteen individuals in each High School division and the top 10 in each Jr. High division will receive a medal and the winning team in each division will receive a championship plaque and team medals.  If you are interested in having your kids compete in the Poth Pirate Cross Country meet please email me.

Race Day Schedule
08:00 AM - JV Girls
08:30 AM - JV Boys
09:00 AM - Varsity Girls
09:30 AM - Varsity Boys
10:00 AM - 7th Grade Boys
10:00 AM - 7th Grade Girls
10:30 AM - 8th Grade Girls
10:30 AM - 8th Grade Boys
Contact Info

Joe McKinney
Poth ISD
PO Box 250
Poth Texas 78147

School Phone:             (830) 484-3322
Cell Phone:                  (210) 383-3723