Saturday, September 21, 20248:30 am CST
2372 Champsion Drive
Sealy, Texas 77474

The 4th Annual Coach Ed Cross Country Invitational to be held on Saturday, September 21, 2024.  The meet will be held on the Sealy High School campus. This is the 5th year for Sealy XC to host this event and we’ve renamed it to honor Ed Marcinkiewicz, who was a big supporter of our XC program. If you would like to make a donation to the scholarship fund, you can send it to the Coach Ed Scholarship Fund at Citizens State Bank of Sealy on 222 Main Street, Sealy, Tx 77474, 

Race Day Schedule

8:30 a.m. Varsity Girls 3200 meters

9:00 a.m. Varsity Boys 5000 meters

9:30 a.m. Junior Varsity Girls 3200 meters

10:00 a.m. Junior Varsity Boys 5000 meters

10:30 a.m. Junior High Girls 3200 meters

11:00 a.m. Junior High Boys 3200 meters

Check in will be in the auditorium school foyer. Teams can set up camp in the grass part of the track. Water will be provided at the finish line. We will have a trainer on site.  Please remind parents that they can not bring animals to the event, as this is hosted at the school grounds.  

Entry Fees

Varsity: $125/team or $20/individual (less than 5)

Junior Varsity: $100/team or $20/individual (less than 5)

Junior High $75/team or $20/individual (less than 5)

Maximum of $500 per school if entered in all divisions

Make checks payable to:  Sealy High School


Entries Varsity: 10 runners maximum

Junior Varsity and Junior High: 20 runners maximum* 

*(if more than 20 runners, then you must enter an additional team)


Contact Info

Danielle Eschenburg

Chemistry & Aquatics

Girls Athletics 

979.885.3575 x7814