5940 McNaughton
Kyle, Texas 78640
Fastest Male
Fastest Female
20112Andrew McHenry17:4756Bridget Delarosa-Lopez21:0587
20122Andrew McHenry18:3260Sonja Brunson24:3793
20132Matthew Middleton17:41127Crystal Kent18:56147
20142Taylor Stephens17:44170Mandy Plante20:14161
20152Mark Garcia18:15178Julia Vegas19:42251
20162Daniel Chidester17:02168Julia Vegas19:07249
20172Matthew Veloz19:33146Julia Vegas19:04211
20182Matthew Veloz20:02173Amy Sellers22:12175
20192Declan Trevethan19:24142Crystal Kent21:12138
20202Russ Lang20:0590Corey Reeves22:49111
20212Nicolas Lopez18:4255Kelly McCaskill19:2891
20222Matthew Veloz18:5378Crystal Kent20:4496
20232Matthew Veloz20:4384Alma Neitlich26:2199
20241Uriah Johnson22:0678Katie Edwards22:2478

Events column is the total number of events for that year
Count column is the total number of participants for that year

Total number of events for this route: 39

Page Activity