13102 Jones-Maltsberger
San Antonio, Texas 78247
Fastest Male
Fastest Female
20031Paul Frost3:43:1925Kelly Woodmansee5:14:5110
20041Quent Bearden4:02:3827Amanda McIntosh5:11:027
20051Paul Frost3:57:5538Bridget Dur-Herrington5:03:3020
20061Paul Frost4:19:2839Jean Perez Dallenbach6:22:038
20071John Paladino3:35:5851Kelli Newlon4:22:4218
20081Stefan Grater4:22:1840Melanie Fryar4:08:1414
20091Dave Walick3:56:4553Kate Brown4:04:1819
20101Stephen Baumgartner4:03:0669Kelli Newlon4:12:2625
20111Neal Lucas3:25:4361Courtney Dauwalter4:53:1430

Events column is the total number of events for that year
Count column is the total number of participants for that year

Total number of events for this route: 10

Page Activity