Saturday, October 12, 20137:00 am CST
450 Haupt
Kyle, Texas 78640
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Hootenanny on the Hill - Age Groups

Saturday, October 12, 2013

5K - Male

Name Bib Place Age Gender Chip Time Pace
1-10 Male
Hunter Halenza83881725:14 8:07
Jacob Crosby8242922230:10 9:43
11-19 Male
Carl Rindahl91911119:33 6:18
Randy Aviles80642424:11 7:47
Edwin Arce9151331226:29 8:31
20-29 Male
Neil Stout91351524:42 7:57
Demetrius Madison85262625:08 8:05
David Boyd8151931628:09 9:04
Chris Smith8732241729:07 9:22
Nicholas Corbett8222752129:48 9:36
Bryon Morre9256763759:3819:12
30-39 Male
Ryan Halley83921219:59 6:26
Grover McSwain855102925:52 8:20
Bj Sayger8701431326:54 8:39
Jeff White8811741427:55 8:59
Ray Sandoval9083152330:41 9:53
Richard Sirmons8933962833:0610:39
Kyle Fischer8314072933:3210:48
Juan Guerra8374583036:5711:54
Leata Bartlett9115493441:3613:23
40-49 Male
Todd Crosby82591825:26 8:11
Mike Krug8471121026:21 8:29
Paul Anguiano8041831527:59 9:00
Alston Brathwaite9233242430:58 9:58
Jeff Epps8293352530:59 9:58
Jason Ciolkosz8205063239:4912:49
Sean Claes8976673656:3018:11
Richard Jones842698381:14:1123:53
50-59 Male
Steve Barraco90131321:53 7:03
Rodolfo Gonzalez9201221126:29 8:31
Mike Hinman8992331829:13 9:24
Frank Gonzalez8902542029:22 9:27
Rodolfo Gonzalez8943552631:2910:08
Oscar Reyes8654963139:3312:44
60-69 Male
Richard Van Almkerk8783712731:4510:13
John Rogers8685723542:4413:45
70-99 Male
Orlando Alaniz9245113339:5412:51

Hootenanny on the Hill - Age Groups

Saturday, October 12, 2013

5K - Female

Name Bib Place Age Gender Chip Time Pace
1-10 Female
Marlee Claes8986513056:2718:10
11-19 Female
Mariah Gaitan89671125:13 8:07
Izel Gaitan912152226:56 8:40
Brooklyn Moser909163326:57 8:40
Reanie Williams8844641637:0911:57
20-29 Female
Cristine Barger808211528:59 9:20
Krista Gooding879262629:38 9:32
Alissa Spry8744131234:0911:00
Jodean Navarro8574841838:2812:23
Danielle Gay8346352855:0417:43
Private Profile8606462955:1317:46
30-39 Female
Rachel Bickford810201428:15 9:06
Carrie Krug846282729:59 9:39
Angelica Cancino907303830:32 9:50
Amy Woodruff8854241335:3111:26
Erica Sirmons8924751738:1812:20
Tiffany Koch8445362040:5313:10
Amy Guerra8365572141:4313:26
Jill Yonnone8865682241:5013:28
Alicia Lester8495892342:5113:48
Olivia Pikelis86259102442:5813:50
Jennifer Williams88361112648:5815:46
40-49 Female
Jennifer Lehman848341931:1310:03
Beth Newton8583621031:3410:10
Diana Gonzalez8354331436:4211:49
Maribel Sewell8725241940:3313:03
Gina Timberlake8916052543:1613:56
Irma White880686311:00:5319:36
50-59 Female
Odilia Reyes8643811132:2010:24
Jackie Bourland8146222750:5516:23
Suellen Adams917703321:26:5027:57
60-69 Female
Jessie Austin8054411536:4711:50

Hootenanny on the Hill - Age Groups

Saturday, October 12, 2013

10K - Male

Name Bib Place Age Gender Chip Time Pace
20-29 Male
Mathew Slater90421244:36 7:11
Blake Gruver90652545:53 7:23
Adrian Bennett80963646:20 7:27
Odie Reyes86394750:09 8:04
Mark Slater905125954:12 8:43
Kyle Clarkson821206131:01:44 9:56
30-39 Male
Eric Collier90211143:45 7:02
Arnold Kimball92132345:28 7:19
Adam Burch816103850:57 8:12
Benjamin Bloodworth8121941258:47 9:28
40-49 Male
Eric Rindahl91841445:52 7:23
Thomas Korzeniewski8451721157:31 9:15
Reb Burgert818243141:05:4710:35
50-59 Male
Harold Lindemann8881511056:15 9:03
Jose Margaine853322151:12:2011:38

Hootenanny on the Hill - Age Groups

Saturday, October 12, 2013

10K - Female

Name Bib Place Age Gender Chip Time Pace
11-19 Female
Jessica Paz90381246:29 7:29
20-29 Female
Denise Lewis850111352:47 8:30
Anna Aldridge801232101:03:4910:16
Lindsey Anderson802253111:06:5610:46
Madison Burgert817264121:08:3711:03
Megan Unruh877295151:09:3411:12
Jillian Christian819336181:13:2511:49
Jody Patterson861367211:21:3413:08
30-39 Female
Holly Scudder871131455:21 8:54
Lindzey Sandefur869142556:04 9:01
Erin Funk832163656:27 9:05
Jennifer Bloodworth813184758:46 9:27
Shannon Gardner83321581:01:48 9:57
Vanessa Mauk85422691:02:0810:00
Heidi Rainer900277131:08:4011:03
Charlene Tomas876288141:09:2211:10
Eindray Aye807309161:09:5611:15
Jessica Davis8263110171:11:4311:33
Carrie Riley8663411191:16:4412:21
Kim Jeske8413512201:18:1012:35
Melissa Corona8233813231:33:4315:05
40-49 Female
Silvia Clark92271146:22 7:28
Glenda Adams916372221:26:5113:59