Saturday, September 10, 201110:00 pm CDT
651 Devine Rd
San Antonio, Texas 78212

About This Event

This event is in honor of those who lost their lives on 9/11 and those who have died fighting and those who continue to fight for our freedom.  All proceeds go to Soldiers Angels.  The event will take place at Olmos Park on Devine Drive starting at 10PM on 9-10-11.  Teams will run 1 person at a time for one mile loops on well lit,  paved bike path.  After the loop the next runner will take off and this will continue through the night for 9 hrs and 11 minutes.  Solo Ultra runners will run as many miles as possible for the 9hrs 11 minutes. At 7:11 the running stops and runners can cool down.  At 7:46 there will be a moment of silence for Flight 11 and the North Tower victims followed by our National Anthem with color guard.  Awards will begin to be distributed after that.  At 8:03 A moment of silence will be observed for Flight 175 and the victims of the South Tower followed by our Pledge of Allegiance. More awards will be handed out until 8:37 AM where we will observe a moment of silence for Flight 77 and the victims of the Pentagon.  America the Beautiful will follow along with final awards and a great breakfast San Antonio style.

Chip Timing

Each runner will wear a chip to keep track of how many loops he or she has run.

About Soldier’s Angels

Soldiers’ Angels is a volunteer-led 501(c)(3) nonprofit providing aid and comfort to the men and women of the United States Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and their families. Founded in 2003 by the mother of two American soldiers, its hundreds of thousands of Angel volunteers assist veterans, wounded and deployed personnel and their families in a variety of unique and effective ways. For more info go to


9 Person Relay- $450 per team through 8-27-11.  $500 after that.   Solo Ultra- $100 through 8-27-11.  $110 after that.

$50 Military/Fire/Police Discount for Relay

This discount is via mail in entry only.  Please go to and click on Run for Rememberance to download a PDF entry form.  All members must be military.  Military ID required at packet pickup.

$10 Military/Police/Fire Discount for Solo Ultra

ID Required.

Relay Awards

Top 3 for Open Male, Open Female, Open Mixed (must have at least 2 females), Top 1 in Masters Male, Female, Mixed (must have at least 2 females).  Most $$ Raised, First team to 91.1 miles.

Solo Ultramarathon Awards

Top 3 open male and female.  Top 3 master male and female.

Water Stop Refreshments

Water, Sports Drink, Soft Drinks, Energy bars, bagels and fruit will be provided at our single water stop.

The Venue- Olmos Basin Park

651 Devine, 78209.  Website- .    Start/Finish/ Lap Counter and check in will be in the parking lot on the west side Devine at the corner of Friedrich and Devine. For link to Google Map click here.


Runners may pick any spot on the large grassy area in Olmos Park  to pitch a tent or lay a blanket or you may camp in the parking lots.

Event Hotel

This info available soon.


Click here to register online.